Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Happy Tip of the day: STAY SEASONAL.

Happy Tip of the day: STAY SEASONAL.
Autmn offers a wide variety of beautiful ripe fresh fare. The inspiration came from the traditional cheese and fig platter, interpreted here as a fig and feta pasta. Make sure to marinate the feta in the best olive oil you have around (but that's a theme for another post) prior to toss it into the pasta. Add salt and your choice of pepper…
Bon appétit.

And to keep your body happy, on thursday 3 october your yoga classes at INNERCITYOGA are:
09.30 hatha w. Anisa
12.30 hatha w. Frank
18.30 hatha flow w. Patric
full schedule on

Thursday, March 28, 2013

OPEN for Easter - OUVERT pour Pâques

 Your favorite yoga studio INNERCITYOGA  Genève stays open EVERY SINGLE DAY for Easter; please check out all details for the Easter schedule on

lundi | monday25 mar..
12.30-13.30 hatha Frank
18.00-19.00 gentle yoga Donna
19.10-20.30 sunset hatha Patric

mardi | tuesday 26 mar.
09.30-10.45 hatha Anne
12.30-13.30 hips academy Ioana
19.00-20.30 yogamusicflow Patric

mercredi | wednesday 27 mar.
12.30-13.30 hatha Sebastien
19.00-20.30 hatha Frank

jeudi | thursday 28 mar.
12.30-13.30 hatha Frank
18.30-19.40 hatha Sebastien

vendredi | friday 29 mar.
11.00-12.30 hatha Sebastien

samedi | saturday 30 mar.
10.30-12.00 hatha Frank

dimanche | sunday 31 mar.
11.00-12.30 hatha Sebastien

lundi | monday 1 apr.
11.00-12.30 hatha Sebastien

mardi | tuesday 2 apr.
12.30-13.30 hatha Sebastien
19.00-20.30 yogaflo Donna

mercredi | wednesday 3 apr.
12.30-13.30 hatha Sebastien
19.00-20.30 hatha Frank

jeudi | thursday 4 apr.
12.30-13.30 hatha Frank
18.30-19.40 hatha Sebastien

vendredi | friday 5 apr.
12.30-13.30 hatha Sebastien
18.30-19.30  yoga+meditation Frank

 samedi | saturday 6 apr.
10.30-12.00 hatha Frank

dimanche | sunday 7 apr.
11.00-12.30 hatha  Sebastien

Monday, February 25, 2013


PRE-, APRES-SKI, or INSTEAD-OF-SKI yoga class withINNERCITYOGA® founder IOANA. enjoy and tell us what you liked about this special class: Complement and boost your healthy living with your daily yoga at

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


We just learned here a new word: «SAVOY» as in the Hotels or the area surrounding Geneva…
In our case, yet we learned that Savoy is the designation for «Chou frisé», so the cabbage as depicted.

A typical winter vegetable, the Savoy cabbage is one of the healthiest foods around; it is very low in calories, and contains no fat or cholesterol. A great source of dietary fiber, and protein. it contains also tons of vitamins and minerals, such as: Thiamine (B-1), folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, manganese, calcium, copper, phosphorous, and copper. They are also an excellent source of both Vitamins K and C. We appreciate the tremendous antioxidant and disease combating properties, but particularly like the savoy type over the other cabbages, as it is a milder and sweeter alternative to the red or green cabbage.

While we like to prepare most veggies in their raw form, here's a quick and dirty, ahem clean…, receipe for these cold and long winterdays:

For 4 friends:
· 1 head of Savoy Cabbage
· 1 shallot
· 1/4L Almond milk
· Saffron
· Raisins
· Pine nuts

Sauté in the pan the chopped Savoy and the shallot.
Flip it frequently so it does not stick.
Deglaze with the almond milk.
Pour 2-3 portions of saffron in.
Right before serving add the raisins and the pine nuts for a the last minute.

Depending on your preferences you may want to sauté the Pine nuts for two minutes in a separate pan, they will "sweat", become tender, yet crisp.

PS: Probably some of the technical wording for cooking is off. (to sauté something…? deglaze…?) Please feel free to correct us.
To complete your detox program, here is the schedule for yoga classes in Geneva at INNERCITYOGA

Monday, January 28, 2013

DETOX Tip of the Day: CHOP! CHOP!

DETOX Tip of the Day: CHOP! CHOP!
One of the reasons we take on calories is the way we are not aware of our foods; if you happen to be savour your lunch over lively discussion or reading a book - or even say, reading this post during your lunchbreak at work… - the brain has not time enough to digest. Basically, your dish gets shovelled in and you do not realize when you start feeling full.
While on the other hand we are not suggesting not to speak anymore at table, a great way to focus on your food is to use chopsticks.
Particularly if you are less trained using the chopsticks, you will considerably slow down the pace at which you devour your food.
We even know of some folks eating their salad with chopsticks…
Use them for every food - but keep your manners !
Bon appétit

To complete your detox program, here is the schedule for yoga classes in Geneva at INNERCITYOGA

Thursday, January 24, 2013

DETOX Tip of the Day: SOUPED UP

DETOX Tip of the Day: SOUPED UP
It's kind of cold outside and you probably opt for a nice warm bowl of soup.
Yet, did you realize that often soups you bought are hard(er) to digest? Often there is tons of cream in the freshly made ones and a lot of sodium, glutamate and tons of preservatives in the canned ones.

How about making yourself in less than 20 minutes a yummy soup you can trust?
Preparation time: 10 min. Cooking time: 8 min.
As shown on the picture, here is enough soup for 4 people:
· 2 fennels
· 2-3 large carrots
· 1 large slice of pumpkin
· 1 bunch of celery
· 2 turnips (navet)
· bouillon - we like the organic veggie variant
· 1 bunch of Flat Parsley
· Turmeric (Curcuma)
· Pepper

Chop all veggies in small pieces 1cm x 1cm (1/2 inch)
Pour the veggies into boiling water together with the bouillon
Cook it for 8 minutes - the veggies will still have some bite; for this recipe we have chosen vegetables with similar texture, so you can throw everthing in together.
Put the Parsley in only when serving the soup, as cooking it robs it of the benefits of its volatile oils and flavonoids.
Bon appétit!

PS: This is a very light soup - if you would like to, ahem have the feeling you cannot survive on it, add one or two chopped sweet potato(es).

all details about yoga schedule and upcoming events on

DETOX Tip of the Day: TURMERIC (français CURCUMA)

DETOX Tip of the Day: TURMERIC (français CURCUMA)
Your liver is the largest and one of the most important organs inside your body. It is responsible for converting food to energy; cleaning toxins from your blood; and producing bile, a liquid that aids digestion.

Comes in Turmeric: this root has long been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory in both the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine. Historically called "Indian saffron" because of its deep yellow-orange color and has been used throughout history as a condiment, healing remedy and textile dye, it is most commonly used in curries.

Turemeric is known for its liver-protective effects. Curcumin has also been recognized for its anti-inflammatory, anticancerous and antioxidative effects. Studies show that Turmerci (or Curucmin) is effective in treating patients with chronic pancreatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory eye and bowel diseases, hyperlipidemia, psoriasis and cancers.

Use it to sprinkle the spice over your dishes, soups - and our preferred use: sprinkle it over slightly steamed cauliflower…
On the other hand we need to point out that overstimulating the liver in its detoxifxing process increases the bile production - people with history of gallstones should take in only tiny amounts…
And folks - remember - moderation is key!

all details about yoga schedule and upcoming events on