Thursday, January 24, 2013

DETOX Tip of the Day: SOUPED UP

DETOX Tip of the Day: SOUPED UP
It's kind of cold outside and you probably opt for a nice warm bowl of soup.
Yet, did you realize that often soups you bought are hard(er) to digest? Often there is tons of cream in the freshly made ones and a lot of sodium, glutamate and tons of preservatives in the canned ones.

How about making yourself in less than 20 minutes a yummy soup you can trust?
Preparation time: 10 min. Cooking time: 8 min.
As shown on the picture, here is enough soup for 4 people:
· 2 fennels
· 2-3 large carrots
· 1 large slice of pumpkin
· 1 bunch of celery
· 2 turnips (navet)
· bouillon - we like the organic veggie variant
· 1 bunch of Flat Parsley
· Turmeric (Curcuma)
· Pepper

Chop all veggies in small pieces 1cm x 1cm (1/2 inch)
Pour the veggies into boiling water together with the bouillon
Cook it for 8 minutes - the veggies will still have some bite; for this recipe we have chosen vegetables with similar texture, so you can throw everthing in together.
Put the Parsley in only when serving the soup, as cooking it robs it of the benefits of its volatile oils and flavonoids.
Bon appétit!

PS: This is a very light soup - if you would like to, ahem have the feeling you cannot survive on it, add one or two chopped sweet potato(es).

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