Thursday, January 24, 2013

DETOX Tip of the Day: TURMERIC (français CURCUMA)

DETOX Tip of the Day: TURMERIC (français CURCUMA)
Your liver is the largest and one of the most important organs inside your body. It is responsible for converting food to energy; cleaning toxins from your blood; and producing bile, a liquid that aids digestion.

Comes in Turmeric: this root has long been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory in both the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine. Historically called "Indian saffron" because of its deep yellow-orange color and has been used throughout history as a condiment, healing remedy and textile dye, it is most commonly used in curries.

Turemeric is known for its liver-protective effects. Curcumin has also been recognized for its anti-inflammatory, anticancerous and antioxidative effects. Studies show that Turmerci (or Curucmin) is effective in treating patients with chronic pancreatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory eye and bowel diseases, hyperlipidemia, psoriasis and cancers.

Use it to sprinkle the spice over your dishes, soups - and our preferred use: sprinkle it over slightly steamed cauliflower…
On the other hand we need to point out that overstimulating the liver in its detoxifxing process increases the bile production - people with history of gallstones should take in only tiny amounts…
And folks - remember - moderation is key!

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